Thursday, June 18, 2009

Born With Imperfections? Cosmetology Can Help

It's a myth that God takes special interest in manufacturing certain faces but fact is that anyone can aspire for a designer face. Why not Angelina Jolie's lips or Katie Holmes' smile or Janet Jackson's hair? Choose a design and a cosmetologist fixes it for you.

Types of Cosmetic Treatments

Amongst the several dermatologic procedures, Botox has highest fan following and it has transformed the notion of people regarding wrinkling. To date, there are no adversaries reported for a Botox treatment.

Today, there are many easy-to-use skin cuticles glutted in the market, including the microdermabrasion kits, home peels and spray tan-inducing systems. It is also believed that new-generation products will be electronic devices but will be designed for easy use by the customers.

Breast enhancement or augmentation is cosmetic treatment that is rated popular. If your body has a good shape and your mind agrees with it (boosts confidence and self esteem). Abdominoplasty can make a bloated tummy flat, and liposuction is done for improving body contours as well as spot reduction of excess fat deposits at waist, hips and thigh regions.

And for a sleepy-eyed face blepharoplasty offers good scope. Thermage is a non-surgical recent alternative to the facelift, and it reduces wrinkling by applying radiofrequency through the skin. Feather lift using Aptos Threads is another advancement to lift face using micro and monofilament threads with long lasting results. Then there is Threadlift where fine surgical threads are used along cheeks, jaws, brows and neck areas.

Cosmetic Dentistry offers several developments. Invisible braces are one. Invisalign is another one that can be used for both adults and children. Porcelain veneers change a yellow dirty fellow smile to a white confident smile. The results are long lasting if proper care is taken.

In short, advances in medical technology and man's awareness and insight have produced amazing results to undo all kinds of imperfections.

June 19, 2009
By Tom Chuong

Tom Chuong works as an SEO Consultant for Clay Media Group, LLC. Currently, he's writing health articles on topics related to Diet Pills, and Hoodia Diet Pills, Herbal Remedies. Contact him today for SEO help.

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