Friday, May 22, 2009

How Psychology Helps To Treat Back Pain

A disease does not come alone. It brings in with it a line of various mental and emotional problems. The mental suffering can pose a big hurdle in your treatment processes. The same is true with back pain. With stressors in your life, you do not just suffer due to pain but your mental pain also add to your total suffering. A good treatment is one that caters to all the problems together and brings instant and long-term relief.

So, to cater to the aspect of a good treatment process, the field of medical science has come up with a new term, Medical Psychology. Medical psychology deals in treating your back pain with the help of a plethora of physical therapy and rehabilitation activities.

Fear poses the biggest problem in curing any disease and disorder. The problem is more when these fears are baseless. Fears can be numerous. They can range from the fear of pain, death, to the fear of a re-injury.

So the biggest challenge that remains with the medical science in the treatment of any disease is to over-come these fears of the patient and make him believe that the disease that he is suffering from can be cured effectively and his suffering won't be life-long. If patient's fears are dealt with, then nothing can stop from an effective life-long treatment.

The process of medical psychology predominantly involves counseling of the patient, which is coupled with various physical therapies and psychology therapies. All these therapies together, help the patient to improve his outlook towards life. It helps him to imbibe positive instincts that increase the chances of recovery, manifolds.

Under this category of back pain treatment, the patient is advised to follow the techniques of stress management along with behavioral management. The wHolisitic way to treat back pain- isn't?
About Author Ashish Jain :

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May 22, 2009

Easy Steps to Staying Healthy for Women

One cannot fully understand what it would entail to become healthy if they would not know what health means in the first place. Health as defined by the World Health Organization is the state of complete physical, mental and emotional well being and not just merely the absence of disease.

It doesn't mean that if you're thin, you are healthy. It doesn't mean that if you may look physically well, you're healthy. There are a lot of factors that have to be considered in order for a woman to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

These are the following tips one must look into to stay physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

Staying Physically Healthy

Eat a well balanced diet. Do not skip meals

Do not skip the most important meal of the day – breakfast. Remember, your stomach has been empty for about 11 to 12 hours. You have to eat breakfast before you start your day.

It doesn't mean that you have to undergo starving yourself to death just so you can achieve the weight you desire (the thin look). A healthy height and weight proportion. Should be maintained. Meaning your weight has to coincide with your height.

Drink plenty of water every day. Every single day we lose fluid. We call it sensible and insensible loss. As we breathe in and out, we lose fluid, we sweat, we eliminate. Hence, we need to replenish our body on a regular basis. We don't want our cells to shrink and die.

Exercise. Do regular exercise, be it isometric or aerobic. Rather than using the remote, get up and walk towards the television to turn it off. Take a brief short walk early in the afternoon, or take your dog for a walk. Exercise increases circulation and improves health.

Perform regular breast self-examinations. It is best to perform this after your menstrual period.

Avoid alcoholic drinks, smoking, and other vices that would harm your body.

Staying Mentally Healthy

Practice your memory. Try this from time to time. Memorize a few words and make sure you still remember those at the end of the day.

Meditate and from time to time release all the bad energy and focus on one's self.

Stay positive.

Staying Emotionally Healthy

If you are at the brink of emotionally breaking down, cry. Don't keep your emotions inside It is healthy to cry.

Have a support system where you can share what you are feeling. Don't let it all get bottled up inside you.

Smile rather than frown. You age less if you smile. You age more if you keep frowning and getting mad.


Before anything else, the major point women should watch out for is the four Fs (female, fertile, forty, fair). Hence, if you fall into this category then you should be meticulous and be cautious with your health. As health is defined, it is the overall state wherein you are healthy. Physically, mentally and emotionally, you have to be healthy.

May 22, 2009
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Florida Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Abortion Clinic in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Florida abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

5 Unusual Jobs You Can Get With A Nursing Degree

By the year 2014 – just eight years away – there will be 3.6 million new jobs available in the medical profession, and the bulk of those jobs – about 60% of them – will be open to those with nursing degrees of one kind or another. The demand for registered nurses is highest – the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the number of jobs available for registered nurses will rise by 27% by 2014 – but there will also be increased opportunities for certified nursing assistants, licensed practical nurses, nurse practitioners, pulmonologist, physician’s assistants and those in medical technical fields like phlebotomy and pulmonology.

And if you thought that the only jobs available for nurses were in hospitals and medical facilities, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has more news for you. Less than 60% of registered nurses work in a hospital. A nursing degree opens doors of opportunity into so many fields that it’s easily one of the most versatile and useful degrees that you can acquire. Not only that – a nursing degree appeals to a wide range of people. According to the BLS, about 20% of those entering the nursing workforce are older workers starting on a second career. Many of them have been attracted by rising salaries triggered by the nursing shortage, but for many of them, a nursing degree is a chance to do something that makes them feel good.

Whether you’ve just started your nursing career, are returning to work after a hiatus, or are switching to a career in nursing as a second career, take a look at some of the opportunities that are open to you with a nursing degree.

Pediatric Home Health Care is one of the growing fields for those with nursing degrees. Every state in the Union now has some sort of Early Intervention program that identifies children under the age of three years with special needs. Pediatric home health care gives you the opportunity to work with children and parents and make a real difference in their lives.

Elder Home Health Care is the other end of the spectrum. The ‘aging of America’ means that more and more people require a little bit of help to remain in their homes. Nursing assistants, registered nurses and licensed nurses can provide that little bit extra that will allow a senior citizen to maintain a higher quality of life and remain at home when all they need is a few hours of medical care a day or week.

Working in a Blood Donor Center is an option that makes you part of the life-saving network. There’s more to blood donor centers than just starting IVs. Nurses who specialize in pharesis can command high salaries, and a nurse working in the blood collection field can be a valuable community organizer as well as a medical practitioner.

A Critical Care Transport nurse requires multiple nursing degrees, but it can be one of the most interesting and fascinating nursing jobs available. A CCT nurse accompanies patients being transported from home or a nursing facility to another nursing facility. The nurse is responsible for maintaining continuity of care for every patient – in the back of an ambulance. It’s a challenging and fun job that commands a salary commensurate with the experience required.

On Site Nursing is a wide open field for medical workers with nursing degrees. You can work at an amusement park or zoo, or in the medical office at a state or national park, or provide medical backup for the emergency workers at a beach or other recreational setting. If you choose to work on site at a camp or other facility, your benefits may include free tuition for your own family.

May 22, 2009
By: Rita Henry
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Rita Henry is a contributing editor for Nursing Job Finder, the leading job and resource site for the Nursing Industry. Interested in receiving only the hottest Nursing job listings weekly for free? To learn more visit Nursing Job Finder.

Massage Therapy And Your Foot

While many of us have experienced having our bodies and necks massaged and soothingly rubbed there are very few of us who think that our feet might need this pampering too. A foot massage is the best type of pampering that we can give our tired and aching feet.

You can give your feet a soothing foot massage or ask a friend to help you have a foot massage. To start your foot massage you will need to have your feet cleaned. You can soak your feet in Epsom salts, lavender or peppermint oil for 10 minutes in a warm water foot bath.

Dry the feet thoroughly and make sure that even the area between your toes is dry. Once the feet are beginning to dry you will need to rub some soothing oil on your feet. Hold one foot in your lap and use one hand to support this foot.

With the other hand you should begin to massage the top of the foot. For this part of the foot massage you will need to use your thumbs. Slow, firm, stroking motions that start at your toes and move upwards to the ankles are the best way to start this foot massage.

When you are near the ankles the foot massage will follow the same path back down to your toes. The return journey should be accompanied by slow stroking with the thumbs providing the required massage. The pressure that is applied at the toes should be lighter than at the ankle. You will need to repeat this foot massage 5 times.

Next in a cupping motion you will need to gently hold the heel of your foot. With your free hand hold the top of the foot and gently rotate the foot. The first rotation should be done clockwise and next anticlockwise.

Repeat this step about 4 times to relax, calm and de-stress your aching foot and ankle joints. This foot massage must be done gently so that you don't end up hurting your foot as a result of the foot massage.

When you have completed rotating the foot you will need to give your soles a really soothing foot massage. This part of the foot massage begins at the base of your big toe. The foot massage for the toes starts with the big toe.

Once your big toe has been given a de-stressing massage, the foot massage will then move towards the other toes. Gentle rolling motions can provide the ball of your foot a relaxing foot massage.

By the time your foot massage will have been carried out on both of your feet, you will have calmed down and your day's stresses will have vanished as well. The added bonus is that your feet are all ready for walking around your home with no aches or pains to be felt.
About Author Nimesh Ajwani :

May 22, 2009
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Nurse Training and Education

There is a growing demand for workers in the health care industry. The demand is only expected to increase as baby boomers age, increasing their need for health care while at the same time retiring from these positions in record numbers. The outlook for those interested in a career in nursing is very good. Although the education required to become a nurse is intensive, the pay scale is lucrative and many hospitals provide tuition reimbursement.

The education requirements for nursing include both theoretical and practical experience. The theoretical work includes classroom education, and covers subjects such as chemistry, nutrition and anatomy. The practical work provides the student nurse with hands-on supervised training in the clinical setting. Once you have completed the nursing training from an approved nursing school you are required to take, and pass, the NCLEX-RN, a licensing exam. Upon passing the exam you are awarded your RN license.

There are a variety of roads to becoming a registered nurse. Many community colleges offer an associate program. Using this program, you can have a nursing license in two to three years. It is also an economical choice, as most community colleges are substantially less expensive than a traditional four year state or private school. If you choose the four year degree, you will graduate with a B.S.N. or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. You will still be a RN, and must still pass the licensing exam before earning the right to wear your scrubs. The benefit of obtaining a bachelor’s degree is that the four year degree is required for many supervisory positions within the nursing field, and you must have a B.S.N to receive your master's degree. Many colleges now offer a fast track program to allow those with their RN to complete their B.S.N. in a short amount of time, attending classes part time or over the internet.

Master's degree programs in nursing allow a nurse to receive a higher level of compensation as well as the capability to work with more autonomy. A master's program also allows the nurse to specialize in the type of nursing that he or she prefers. There are master's programs available in clinical specialties, such as a nurse anesthetist or a nurse practitioner. Many schools also allow a nurse to enter the teaching field with a master's degree. A master's program in nursing, regardless of the specialization, typically requires two years of coursework. A nurse may also choose to earn his or her doctorate degree in nursing, which would open up many administration level jobs as well as the ability to teach in any college.

Nursing programs are approved by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. To ensure that you are properly prepared for the licensing exam that you must pass before becoming an RN, choose a school that is fully accredited. This means, among other things, that their curriculum has been examined and determined to cover the material that is included in the NCLEX-RN exam.

Given the fact that there is a shortage of nurses, and the demand is growing, it may seem that getting accepted to nursing school should be easier; this is unfortunately not the case. In fact, one of the reasons that there is a shortage of nurses is because there is also a shortage of nurse educators. Because nursing requires such detailed and extensive education, it is important to have a low student to teacher ratio. With a shortage of nurse educators, schools are limited in the number of nursing students that they can accept. The shortage of nursing educators is partially due to the fact that nurses can earn much better wages working in the clinical setting than in the college setting.

With the shortage of nursing educators, acceptance to nursing schools has become very competitive. There are several things that you can do to increase your odds of being accepted to nursing school. The first, of course, is to have the highest GPA and standardized test scores as possible. If you are seriously considering nursing school, it may be too late to improve your GPA, but if your standardized tests are not where you want them, consider investing in a test prep course and retake the exam.

Another way that you can make yourself more attractive to a nursing program is to take some classes at your local community college. Showing that you have the ability to complete college level work can go a long way in persuading the admissions board that you are a good candidate for their nursing program. Finally, consider spending time as a volunteer in the health care field. Many people want to enter nursing because of the ready supply of jobs and lucrative pay. When they realize the hard work that is required, they drop out of the nursing program. By volunteering in the field, the acceptance committee will feel more confident that you will remain in the program.

May 22, 2009
About Author:
Stephanie Larkin is a freelance writer who writes about topics pertaining to nurses and the nursing profession such as Nursing Scrubs
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Melanoma Awareness month

May is Melanoma Awareness month. With warm weather and sunny days ahead, most of us will be arming ourselves with all the essentials of spring and summer – flip flops, shorts, sunglasses, sun hats and, of course, sunscreen.

Sunscreen protection options have become more plentiful than ever, including formulations offering a smoother application or enhanced protection from ultraviolet (UV) light. Fortunately, dermatologists can help you sort through the sunscreen clutter – separating marketing hype from proven science.

Dermatologist Zoe D. Draelos, MD, FAAD, from High Point, N.C., recently discussed the advances that are making sunscreens more effective and more cosmetically acceptable, including higher Sun Protection Factors (SPFs), UVA protection, smaller particles of active ingredients, and enhanced stability during sun exposure.

In addition, she addressed new sunscreen ingredients not yet approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that she hopes will provide consumers with broader UV protection in the future. Yet, Dr. Draelos also indicated the need for caution in the use of combination insect repellent and sunscreen products as the warm weather approaches.

“Sunscreens have really evolved over the years, as we now have a variety of formulations – from creams and gels to lotions and sprays – that more effectively protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays,” said Dr. Draelos.

SPF number - guarding against UVA rays

“In the past, a common complaint was that sunscreens felt too sticky or gritty when applied and therefore people avoided applying or reapplying them. But now, more refined formulations have been developed that make sunscreens smoother to the touch and less greasy – making them easier to wear by themselves or under makeup.”

The SPF number on sunscreens largely reflects the product’s ability to screen out UVB rays, the sun’s shorter wavelength UV rays that are primarily linked to sunburn and skin cancer.

Importantly, the FDA also acknowledged that sunscreens should reflect their ability to provide protection from UVA rays. UVA rays are longer UV wavelengths that can pass through window glass and penetrate deeper into the skin. These rays are primarily linked to premature aging and wrinkling of the skin, but the latest scientific evidence indicates that they may also contribute to the development of skin cancer.

“It’s important to note that an SPF of 50 doesn’t offer twice the UV protection of an SPF of 25, but a higher SPF can be beneficial for people with very fair complexions or in instances where a person is going on vacation to a very tropical or sun-intense climate,” stated Dr. Draelos.

Dr. Draelos also indicated that the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy) recommends a minimum of SPF15 regardless of skin type, and also commented on the importance of selecting a sunscreen that offers UVA protection as well.

“Without the FDA’s UVA rating system, this selection is more difficult, but consumers should look for products that indicate ‘broad-spectrum’ on the label or read the active ingredients listed on the back panel." Dr. Draelos noted that a list of active ingredients to look for in broad-spectrum sunscreen can be found on the Academy’s Sunscreen Fact Sheet.

The future of suncreen

An important area of sunscreen improvement is the development of formulations that are more photostable. As Dr. Draelos explained, active ingredients in sunscreen absorb or scatter UV radiation. But in doing so the sunscreen breaks down and becomes less effective, essentially decreasing its SPF and level of UV protection.

This is one of the reasons that sunscreen needs to be reapplied frequently. In photostabilized sunscreen, a chemical is added to the formulation to absorb more UV radiation – allowing the sunscreen molecule to remain unaltered and absorb or scatter UV rays for a longer period of time.

Combination products containing both insect repellent and sunscreen have become increasingly popular in recent years. Dr. Draelos explained that while these products offer the convenience of a single application, some scientific evidence indicates that the combination may actually decrease the SPF, and therefore the effectiveness, of the sunscreen component of the product.

In addition, Dr. Draelos noted that there are issues with the application of these products to achieve optimal protection against both biting insects and UV rays. “Although sunscreens should be applied liberally at least every two hours, many insect repellents should only be applied every six hours, and sparingly to exposed skin,” said Dr. Draelos. “Applying a combination product too frequently may pose the risk of insect repellent toxicity, but too few applications may cause photodamage from the lack of UV protection.”

Dr. Draelos added that other UV filters are currently being considered by the FDA as new active ingredients. “The FDA regulates sunscreens as over-the-counter drugs, establishing the conditions under which these products are recognized as safe and effective. If these new active ingredients are approved, they should offer broader UV protection and provide an opportunity for superior formulations in future sunscreens. The availability of additional UV agents means you can do a better job protecting your skin against damaging UV rays.”

Sunscreen How To's

Dr. Draelos concluded by reminding that, in addition to wearing sunscreen, the Academy recommends:

• Generously applying water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 that provides broad-spectrum protection from both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays to all exposed skin. Re-apply every two hours, even on cloudy days, and after swimming or sweating. Look for the AAD SEAL OF RECOGNITIONTM on products that meet these criteria.

• Wearing protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible.

• Seeking shade when appropriate, remembering that the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade.

• Protecting children from sun exposure by playing in the shade, using protective clothing, and applying sunscreen.

• Using extra caution near water, snow and sand as they reflect the damaging rays of the sun which can increase your chance of sunburn.

• Getting vitamin D safely through a healthy diet that may include vitamin supplements. Don’t seek the sun.

• Avoiding tanning beds. Ultraviolet light from the sun and tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want to look like you’ve been in the sun, consider using a sunless self-tanning product, but continue to use sunscreen with it.

• Checking your birthday suit on your birthday. If you notice anything changing, growing, or bleeding on your skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when caught early.

May 22, 2009
Monday, May 5, is Melanoma Monday® and the official launch of Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month® in the USA. Through the Academy’s National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Program, dermatologists volunteer to provide free skin cancer screenings in their communities. The public can visit the Academy’s Web site ( to find a free skin cancer screening in their area.
Editor’s Note: A list of broad-spectrum sunscreen ingredients can be found on the Academy’s Sunscreen Fact Sheet.
Newswise — For more information, contact the Academy at 1-888-462-DERM (3376) or

Benefits of Continuing your Education after becoming a RN (Registered Nurse)

The opportunities for a RN or registered nurse are growing each day, and those who continue their education after gaining their RN license quickly learn that there is no end to their career possibilities. It is important to understand that continuing a nursing education entails an array of education, including secondary degrees, additional certifications, and specialized trainings and coursework. Though we will discuss in greater detail, continuing your nursing education and/or credentialing opens the door to a management or leadership position, the ability to change specialties, and even start your own business.

Seeking a masters or doctoral degree is one on the more traditional ways to continue your nursing education. Gaining a masters degree gives you the option of higher level nursing occupations, such as nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist. Not to mention the ability to obtain supervisory and leadership roles. A master’s degree program goes beyond medicine and looks at the other factors that effect healthcare, like social, economic, financial, and cultural factors. These programs teach leadership and resource management, allowing nurses who obtain a master’s degree to have careers in healthcare management and administration. A doctoral degree can possibly open the door to management and administration. Doctoral degrees allow nurses to pursue research opportunities and the abilities to teach at colleges and universities. These nurses can also be found as consultants on health systems and policies.

Another way to continue your nursing education is to obtain certification in one or more nursing specialties. Within the field of nursing, there is a long list of specializations that a nurse can choose to pursue. While some fall within the traditional idea of nursing, such as pediatric nursing, others are considered more alternative career choices such as genetic nursing. The majority of these specializations do in fact have their own certification programs. The greatest benefit of continuing your nursing education through gaining additional certifications allows you to change your specialty throughout your nursing career. You can choose to stay on the cutting edge of new and emerging specialties. You could also make yourself a more attractive candidate for various healthcare organizations.

Though it may not come with the added credentialing of a degree or certification program, there is also the ability for a nurse to further his or her education by additional trainings, seminars, and other CEU courses. In the field of nursing there are numerous opportunities for additional training. The type of training that a nurse chooses to take can be determined by particular interests within the field. There is a need to stay on top of new changes within the healthcare industry, how to get a better understanding of patients, and even new advancements in medical technology and treatments. Continuing education units or CEU’s are often required in some specialties after a specific certification has been achieved.

These may be different ways to continue your nursing education, but the actual benefit of continuing this education mirrors the benefits of going into the nursing field itself. One of the key benefits is flexibility. Having additional education in a specific or general area of nursing provides you with the flexibility of changing career paths to suite your changing life. For example, as many nurse’s children are becoming school aged, they begin looking at career paths and schedules that allow them to work during the early part of the day, allowing them to be home when their children arrive home from school. Others decide to look into a more executive or administrative role as their career progresses.

Continuing your nursing education also gives you control over your future. By gaining added credentials you can ensure that you will always be in demand. You should position yourself to allow your nursing career to transition, just as you do various stages of your life. For instance, a nurse in her 30’s may feel like the daily routine of a RN would be a bit taxing physically for her in her 40’s. She could decide to obtain her master’s degree and transition into a consulting or administrative role. Furthering your nursing education doesn’t just give you the power to secure an enviable position within a healthcare organization. It could also give you the power to enter both the academic and business sides of the healthcare field. If you have the entrepreneurial spirit you can even become your own boss. Home healthcare and nurse case management are two booming businesses that with the proper certification can be started fairly easily.

Continuing your education in any field is beneficial, but few fields can offer the benefits of continuing a nursing education. Possibly the best and most practical benefit of all is that you can easily continue your nursing education while working full time. With a career in nursing, a bright future is in your hands, all you have to do is decide which path to take.

May 22, 2009
By: Anderson Ryan
Article Directory :
Ryan Anderson is a freelance writer who writes about the nursing profession, often writing about specific items used in nursing such as nursing scrubs.

Choosing the Right Pediatrician for You and Your Baby

Congratulations, you're pregnant. As the count-down to the birth of your new child approaches, you should consider finding a pediatrician who will work the best with your soon to be expanding family. Having a pediatrician on-hand though the formative weeks and years of your child's life is in the best interests of both you and your child. Waiting until your child gets sick or needs a check-up is absolutely not the time to be going through the selection process, which can be stressful even when everything is going according to plan.

Beginning Your Search

There are several sources you can tap into to locate qualified pediatricians in your community.

* A good place to start is the "American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)". A pediatrician who is certified by them will have will have graduated from four years of medical school, received three years of resident training, and passed their written examination. They provide pediatrician search service on-line.

* Another source is the "American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)". They also provide a referral database of participating members.

* Certain health plans require you to choose a pediatrician from their approved network.

* You can also ask is your obstetrician. Obstetricians and pediatricians often interact to oversee the care of both mother and baby.

* Ask other moms in your neighborhood including friends, family or co-workers. They may be able to relate their personal experiences about specific individuals.

Vetting the Field

You'll want to find a doctor who fits with your goals and expectations. It's usually best to first meet the candidates to assess their qualifications, personality, approach and experience before arriving at a decision. The kinds of questions you might consider asking your prospective pediatrician and other considerations include:

* What type of pediatric qualifications do they have? Are they certified by the ABP and/or a member of the AAP?

* If you are aware of certain health concerns in your family or with your pregnancy, you may want to ask about qualifications in pediatric subspecialty areas?

* How can they be contacted after hours or during an emergency? Are they available by phone? Who covers for them when they are not available?

* If you have minor questions what is the best time and method to reach them?

* Does the pediatrician talk with and care about the children, and not just the parents?

* Does the pediatrician seem to know about current issues and advances in pediatric medicine?

* Does the pediatrician have "chemistry" with the children as well as the parents?

* Does the pediatrician appear knowledgeable about current issues and advances in pediatric medicine?

In addition, you'll probably want to know about availability and cost of services. Areas of investigation include:

* Office and Location – What are the office hours? What hospital is he/she affiliated with? Is the location conveniently close to your residence or work place?

* Costs and insurance coverage – What are the costs of services? Do they work with your insurance plan? What services are covered and which ones are not? What are the co-pays and other billing practices?

* What are the routine child-care check-ups? The AAP recommends checkups at one, two, four, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, and twenty-four months.

Finding the right pediatrician for your family can be a daunting challenge. However, there are several good sources that can help you in your quest. In most cases you'll have a choice about your child's doctor so try to find a doctor who is just right for you. Evaluate you'll health care provider based on the criteria that are most important to you and your family.

May 22, 2009
by: Jacqueline Courtiol
About The Author
Jacqueline Courtiol, M.A. Ed. is a teacher, business owner and mother of two. She is the inventor of a homeopathic colic relief formula - recommended by pediatricians, doulas and mid-wifes. Colic Calm is also highly effective in the treatment of infant gas pain -

Tools and techniques to improve the eyes naturally

For those who are keen to try to improve their eyesight naturally here is a compilation of possible things that may help:

Exercises First a word on exercises from the personal trainer

A classic among eye-exercises is what is called the push-up. Here you focus your eyes on point close (e.g. holding a pencil near your nose) then look out at a specific point some distance away (like 20 feet).

However this may not help!

But isn’t exercise good for me, wouldn’t it help those lazy eyes?

The jury doesn’t seem to be out among natural vision therapists as many believe that eye problems originate from straining and overuse rather than under use. Like a person who does too much strenuous exercise in the gym without balancing it with stretching and relaxation activities like yoga or Chi Gung, leading to injury and an unbalanced body, so too can the eyes be affected be overstressed.

So when it comes to exercising the eyes try not to do anything that strains or requires a lot of effort. Try to keep relaxed and curious looking at a many of ranges at different focuses.

Relaxation and positive habits

1. Palming

One of the most effective techniques considered by Bates practitioners is palming.

"Palming" was originally a yoga technique. Bates "borrowed" it and incorporated it into his system of vision improvement after he noticed its beneficial effects on the visual system. Palming can be practised as often as possible – especially when your eyes feel tired after looking at a computer screen or straining the eyes. (1)


Relieves eye strain
Promote visual imagery – for example, visualise your day ahead, making the images as vivid as possible. This activates your right-hemisphere and may increase creativity and promote imagination.

Start by being in a comfortable position with good posture (tall, but relaxed). Place your palms over your closed eyes blocking out as much light as possible. Cup your palms, but do not press on the eyeballs. This will put pressure on the blood vessels and reduce circulation of blood and nutrients.
Finally just relax in this position and visualise. (1)

2. Sunning

The Sun is important for our health, including enabling us to manufacture Vitamin D. Eyes (like the skin) that have been deprived of adequate sunshine are weakened. Obviously we can get too much of a good thing and we need to protect our eyes from the sun as with our skin from overexposure. However sunglasses can prevent our eyes from getting adequate sunlight and lead to light sensitivity. The more we wear them, the more we are sensitive to light. Hence a vicious cycle develops. (1)

Benefits of sunning

Dr. Bates recommends that we sun our eyes. We can reduce our sensitivity to light and sharpen our eyesight. Many people have reported that their vision improves after sunning. I do recommend though following these guidelines:

Only do sunning in the morning or evening, never during the hot afternoon sun.
Do a low amount for each session.

How to do

Close your eyes and face the sun directly. Slowly move your head left and right to let the sunshine reach every part of your retina. Notice the sun moving in the opposite direction. Breathe deeply and slowly. Do this for around 30 seconds then move on to palming for about 2 minutes. (1) 3. 10-10-10 rule A common rule used for the office environment in the 10-10-10 rule. Anytime you are focussing on a something close range for around 10 minutes (e.g. Computer screen), take your gaze away and focus on something around 10 feet away for about 10 seconds. This will help relieve some of the near-point stress.

4. Stop staring Heard that before – this time it is to help relieve the strain on the eyes. Bates believed that the rigidity of staring was bad for the eyes. One technique devised by Bates to train the eyes not to stare is swinging. To do this exercise, the patient should focus on a fixed object, then swing the head or the entire body from side to side while keeping the object in view by moving the head instead of the eyes. Alternatively next time you catch yourself staring, shake off that stare, move your head and eyes, take a deep breath in, and return to regular relaxed blinking.

Nutrition Here is a list of foods recommended to improve eyesight (2):

Fish or Krill Oil: A fat found in fish called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) may help protect and promote healthy retinal function. DHA is concentrated in the eye's retina and has been found to be particularly useful in preventing macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness.

Green Vegetables: Green vegetables are a vital ingredient to health. They are believed to help the eyes in numerous ways including: Vegetables contain lutein a carotenoid commonly thought to promote vision. However always consume with an oil. It is important to note that lutein is an oil-soluble nutrient, and if you merely consume the vegetables without some oil (olive, fish, flax, coconut) or butter you can't absorb the lutein. Green vegetables also contain Vitamin B2 - Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. It is needed for growth and for healthy skin and eyes. (Vitamin B2 can also be found in the following foods poultry, fish, liver)

Eat Dark Coloured Berries: The European blueberry, bilberry, is known to prevent and even reverse macular degeneration, and bioflavonoids from other dark-colored berries including blueberries, cranberries and others will also be beneficial. One food to Avoid: Trans Fat

A diet high in trans fats appears to contribute to macular degeneration. Trans fat may interfere with omega-3 fats in your body, which are extremely important for your eye health.

Trans fat is found in many processed foods and baked goods, including margarine, shortening, fried foods like french fries, fried chicken and doughnuts, cookies, pastries and crackers (2).

May 22, 2009
(1) Perfect Sight Without Glasses, William Horatio Bates,
(2) Four Tips to Protect Your Eyesight as You Age, Dr. Joseph Mercola with Rachael Droeg,
By: Craig Burton
Sustainable Living Articles @

Benefits of Massage Therapy

A massage therapy is one of the many concepts under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), an umbrella term for treatment practices that fall outside the scope of conventional medicine.

Alongside, acupuncture, homeopathy and hypnotherapy, a massage therapy is part of a health care system that we resort to — thereby gaining an alternative medicine connotation and as a compliment to medical procedures to alleviate our wellness.

A massage can be part of physical therapy or practiced on its own, but nevertheless, a massage is always about pressure. By definition, it is the treatment of the soft body tissues by manipulating it with structured, unstructured, stationary or non-stationary pressure, and motion or vibration to enhance the body systems function and promote relaxation and wellbeing.

When massaging, a masseur, a message therapist, or a physical therapist can put pressure on your body’s target tissues like muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints or other connective tissues using manual or mechanical aid. Manual application of pressure uses hands, fingers, elbows, forearm and feet while mechanical aids include tools like aromatic candles, body scrubs, oils or stones, depending on which type of massage it is.


Many are confused as to the relationship of both, or whether they are just the same. Physical therapy or physiotherapy and massage therapy are totally different concepts of complimentary and alternative medicine, but it is, indeed, true that both share the same process of manipulating pressure to the body.

Physiotherapy is a concerned with the management and prevention of movement disorders and can only be performed by a registered physiotherapist or a physical therapist assistant.

This type of therapy requires healthcare standards as it compliments a medical procedure unlike a therapeutic massage that primarily promotes relaxation. As an example: a physiotherapist performs calisthenics to a hospital patient in comatose, or a specialized massage therapy for those who have been injured physically (though it is commonly known as a chiropractor and the likes), while a massage therapist performs a full body massage to someone who is in need of mascular relaxation.


But a massage therapy is not just about relaxation. A therapeutic massage alleviates or subdues stress — covering physical, mental, and emotional state. The benefits of a therapeutic massage are extensive, thereby, being advantageous to our different systems in the body such as nervous, circulatory, lymphatic (immune) system and muscular systems.

Below are the list of beneficial effects of therapeutic massages that I have researched online and on printed references:

Physical benefits of massage therapy and to our body systems

Massage therapy is highly beneficial to our internal body systems — muscular, cardiovascular, endocrine and respiratory systems. Below are few of the benefits of massage physically:

· Relieves muscle tension and tired, overused muscles
· Fosters faster healing of strained muscles
· Alleviates arthritis pain
· Reduces muscle cramps and spasms
· Increases joint flexibility resulting to enhanced athletic performance
· Improves body posture
· Improves blood circulation
· Reduces blood pressure
· Helps in releasing endorphins or amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller
· Promotes tissue regeneration
· Reduces pain, swelling and formation of excessive scar tissue, stretch marks
· Improves the condition of the skin making it more glowing and toned
· Promotes easier breathing
· Relieves eye-strain caused by exposure to computers, TVs, and too much reading

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Massage Therapy

Aside from the physical and anatomical benefits, massages provides mental and emotional benefits – this is obviously rampant as a “provided services” to health spas, massage parlors, and even beauty shops; all of which promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.

· Relieves tension-related headaches, and migraines
· Calms the nervous system
· Fosters peace of mind
· Lessens depression
· Promotes mental alertness
· Relieves mental stress
· Enhances creativity
· Emotional stability
· Fosters a feeling of wellbeing
· Reduces levels of anxiety
· Increases awareness of mind-body connection

Special benefits and profound effects of Massage Therapy

· Assists with shorter and easier labor for expectant mothers
· Asthmatic children shows better pulmonary function
· Demonstrates lower diastolic blood pressure, anxiety and stress hormones
· Premenstrual syndrome sufferers have decreased water retention (bloating) and cramping
· Preterm infants have improved weight gain.
· Strengthens the immune system and the lymphatic system

Research continues to show the enormous benefits of touch to lessen the tensions of modern lifestyles. And consequently, the medical community is actively embracing massage therapy and other complimentary and alternative medicine as an integral part of hospice care and natal care.

Increase the Benefits with Frequent Visits

Getting a massage on a timely basis can do even more good for you. It is recommended to visit professional services at least once a week for a full body massage. Taking part in this self-care plan can play a huge part in the future. The results will even be more noticeable with each passing months.

Contraindications For Massage

You shouldn't get a massage if you have a fever, infections, inflammation, osteoporosis and other medical conditions like Scoliosis, etc…


And remember: just because massage feels like a pampering treat doesn’t mean it is any less therapeutic. If you have any questions about whether a full body massage would be right for you because of an existing medical condition, ask to speak to a massage therapist before you make your appointment to a massage parlor.

May 22, 2009
DHORJ ESCUSA is a web copywriter for a web design company that build websites and increases visibility through optimization and promotion.

Using Your Fresh Herbs In Infusions, Herbal Teas, Or Decoctions As An Herbal Medicine

Recently it has been shown that high herbal tea and quality teas have many health benefits, especially Black and Green Tea. With all the news on Black and Green Tea lately, you may be considering adding it to your daily diet regime. If that is so, only use the best quality and freshest tea available for the maximum health benefits. Also consider the health benefits of herbal teas using fresh herbs. Think of these as herbal medicine.

Millions of people all of the world have been drinking tea and infusions for centuries specifically for herbal medicine. In America, it has been considered a cheap convenient drink for soothing the soul and stimulating the senses. Yet there is a far more important reason that people drink tea more than any other beverage: the tea leaf has potent health-enhancing powers. The Japanese have known this for thousands of years and the modern West is just catching up to the remarkable health benefits of drinking tea.

To make a tea or infusion you must steep the fresh herb in boiling water. Many think of teas and infusions as the same, but there is a slight difference.

When making teas or herbal teas you are brewing it and you don’t leave it steeping for very long. An easy way to brew it is to place the tea bag or fresh herbs into a measuring cup with 8 ounces of water. Microwave for two minutes and you have a cup of tea. Fresh herbs make a marvelous cup of tea and are considered essential in herbal medicine.

Infusions on the other hand stay in the boiling water longer, anywhere from 10 – 20 minutes. Obviously the longer the fresh herbs steep the stronger the brew will become and it will become a more potent herbal medicine. Infusions should be used immediately after brewing to reap the most out of this herbal medicine, especially when using fresh herbs. Rule of thumb is to use 1-2 teaspoons of dried, crushed, or powdered herbs. If you want to get the most out of this herbal medicine use fresh herbs and double the amount to steep. After the steeping time your infusion will be at room temperature. It is okay to warm it back up if you prefer it hot.

Infusions can be therapeutic as well as being considered herbal medicine. While your infusion is steeping bend over the container and breathe in the steam. This will act as a decongestion when you are suffering from colds or allergies. Close your eyes, try to envision this herbal medicine as attacking the germs in your system. Visualizing the fresh herb infusions attacking the malady will help to fight illnesses quite well, according to some published studies. It is like the grounding technique used in yoga. Here again, fresh herbs make the best infusions in herbal medicine.

There is a problem with infusions as they tend to be quite bitter. And of course, if you can’t drink the infusion then it will not be an advantageous herbal medicine. To make it taste better try adding honey or sugar. If you still can’t get it down, try a different infusion. There are many different fresh herbs to try when brewing your herbal medicine.

Decoctions are a different story as they don’t use strictly fresh herbs. Here you would use the dried roots, flowers seeds and barks for their medicinal purposes, not fresh herbs. To get the most from your mixture heat will be used since it is more difficult to extract their active chemicals. Start by boiling the roots and allow them a good head start. Next add the bark, the seeds, the flowers and any spices in that order. Allow a few minutes of simmering after each addition. Then simmer the herbal medicine slowly for 10 to 20 minutes.

Now you have another use for your fresh herbs. This gives you yet another excuse to plant a beautiful herb garden

Happy Healthy Gardening!

May 22, 2009
by Mary Hanna
Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at and and
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Natural Breast Augmentation

There are other ways to achieve a breast augmentation other than actually having surgery. There are ways of changing the appearance of your breasts and not having to go under the knife. You can do a few simple things on your own and it will look like you have natural and beautiful breasts.

Anyone can make their breasts look bigger themselves by doing a few things. If you have thought about having plastic surgery, done in order to make you feel sexier and to make your clothes fit you better, then you should hear about a few things first. A few natural products that you can do will make your breasts appear bigger and fuller.

One step for natural breast augmentation is creams. Many manufacturers have come up with productive creams that will enhance the appearance of breasts over a certain amount of time. These creams will stimulate the breasts so that they will actually grow in size. Obviously, you will not have dramatic results right away. However, you will see a change in your breast appearance and it is one that you will like. Most of these creams can be bough over the counter and need to be applied on a regular basis.

Another good idea for natural breast augmentation is to take vitamins. Some pills will actually enhance your breasts over an extended period of time when you use the pills on a regular basis. These pills can be bought online or at some drug stores. The breast enlargement pills and vitamins will help to make your cup size bigger and make your breasts feel fuller and firm. You will find that these pills will help to completely transform your body into the one that you have always wanted with out the painful surgery.

If you are not sure about using the pills and vitamins in order to make your breasts larger and look more full, you can always use the padding and padded bras. When you opt to use padding in your bras, it does not mean stuff it with tissue. Instead, there are cups that you can place inside your bra that will make your breasts look natural and beautiful. You will not have to under go any kind of breast augmentation in order to get this desired look and feel.

You can also buy a padded or push up bra to help give your breasts a lift. These bras will give the illusion of larger and fuller breasts with out having to have any kind of breast augmentation done. This is something that you can choose to do on certain occasions or you can wear the added padding all the time. Either way, this will give you the freedom to do look the way that you want in order to feel good about your body.

May 22, 2009
By: irudi
Article Source:
Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. For more information and resources about this subject check out: and also

Medical Transcription Practice Tapes: Ways to Achieve Proficiency in Medical Transcription

With many different avenues available to learn medical transcription, it's hard to know which ones to choose. One of those options is the use of medical transcription practice tapes. This article summarizes and informs the reader about the usage of medical transcription practice tapes.

A keen sense of hearing is an ace in the game of medical transcription. A typical hearing acuity alone will not assure a 100% accuracy in the medical transcripts you produce. If you wish to master the art of medical transcription, you need to achieve a well-developed if not possess an excellent sense of hearing. In this field, you can't afford to make mistakes when you're typing what the doctor says. This is because there is a very thin line between each word's pronunciation as with the terms "a rock" and "Iraq". And, in a case like this, slight misheards could mean a difference between life and death especially when you're dealing with the patients' medicines.

We all know that it's hard to find a medical transcriptionist who is born with an excellent sense of hearing. But wait, don't get the wrong end of the stick. If you're just an average medical transcriptionist or just starting, hold on to your spirit and don't give up yet. You have a lot of potential to achieve good listening skills. As we always say "practice makes perfect". You can start training your ears by watching English TV shows or by talking to different kinds of people and study their voice patterns and pronunciations. Also, you can start listening to the varying accents in English of American, Australian, British, Mexican, or Indian doctors. Really, it's your choice. Although, the best approach is exposure to real physician dictations, you can also enhance yourself through the use of medical transcription practice tapes.

But what are medical transcription practice tapes? Actually, medical transcription practice tapes are recording and storage devices used by doctors for their dictations, which are converted as wav or voice files in the computer just like that of an mp3. But, there are also those medical transcription practice tapes being used by students in some medical transcription schools, which may be bought online. They are not really that different from those used by physicians except for the fact that they are utilized for a specific purpose. Medical transcription practice tapes as the name implies are only used for practice and not for actual transcription. They either contain simulated or real physician dictations. Medical transcription practice tapes are for the use of beginners who have no exposure to real physician dictations as well as for already established medical transcriptionists who just want to attain a higher level of competency in the field.

Although medical transcription practice tapes may be rented, the best option for beginners is perhaps to have a copy of their own. These days, you need not go to a specific store to purchase medical transcription practice tapes. They are available online from several websites that specialize in medical transcription. They usually come in two sizes, that is standard-sized medical transcription practice tapes and micro-sized medical transcription practice tapes.

The duration of dictation for these medical transcription practice tapes and the level of the terms' difficulty vary as well. As an added feature, answer keys are provided to compare your work with.

Whoever said you can't learn on your own must be bluffing. Medical transcription practice tapes can truly make a difference in your performance. In fact, for beginners, early exposure to actual dictations could give you the edge you need, and for seasoned transcriptionists, or people going back into the field of medical transcription, the extra practice will definitely improve the skills necessary to become a true medical language specialist.

May 22, 2009
by Michele Miller
Michele Miller is a home based medical transcriptionist and the author of an ebook - The Step By Step Guide To Medical Transcription At Home. You can visit her websites: < href="">
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Cosmetic Surgery and Gynecologists - A Good Idea?

Imagine going to your gynecologist for your yearly pap smear and being asked if you would like to have dermabrasion or a facial chemical peel while you are there in the office.

If your obgyne hasn't forayed into the cosmetic surgery field yet, then this might seem very strange to you. However, if your gynecologist is one of the thousands who have entered the realm of cosmetic surgery, you might just simply raise an eyebrow and give it a go.

Why not, right? Your gynecologist is a good doctor and she knows what she is doing. She would never do a procedure she isn't certified to do, would she?

Cosmetic Surgery Certification in the United States

As of right now, physicians in the United States are not regulated when it comes to performing cosmetic surgery procedures on their patients. You might be surprised to learn that any medical doctor can offer such procedures as chemical peels and dermabrasion as part of their regular office practice.

However, those physicians who are really qualified to do them are plastic surgeons who have been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. By holding this certification, a plastic surgeon shows that they have the added training to perform cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures on patients. Additionally, they have the certification required to admit their patients to local hospitals in case something should go awry and it would become necessary.

Convenience vs. Risk

While a one-stop-shop of having your gynecologist able to perform cosmetic surgery might seem convenient to you at first glance, when you consider the ramifications of any complications it isn't such a cut and dry decision to have them perform cosmetic procedures on your body.

Because your ob/gyn lacks Board Certification in Plastic Surgery, this means that he is unable to admit you to a hospital if needed. You will simply be instructed to go to the local emergency room and seek treatment.

Additionally, gynecologists have not had schooling and testing to prove their skills at cosmetic surgery in any form. So, while they may be familiar with the procedure, they are not truly trained and skilled and certified. Would you want a plastic surgeon to deliver your baby or perform your hysterectomy?

Experience Counts

With all of the above said, you should always evaluate your physicians based on their experience with the procedure you are going to have done to your body. Ideally, you would use the services of a Board Certified physician for your needs.

The reality is that gynecologists and other physicians are performing plastic surgery procedures - and they are doing it legally. However, you as a consumer need to know and understand this and make your own decisions on whom you do and do not trust with your body.

An Atlanta, plastic surgeon who is board certified is the most important part of your cosmetic surgery. Knowing that your surgeon has the in-depth training gives you more than peace of mind. Look into the surgery staff at Swan center for Plastic Surgery for qualified doctors.

May 22, 2009
By A Aaronso
Article Source: http:/

How to Setup a Kids Friendly Dentist Clinic

Since children are the fond of the chocolates and the sweets, they often face the various problems regarding their teeth and dental / oral health. That is why they often have to attend some dental clinic. It is often advised to bring the children to the dentists at their first birthday positively. There is a special branch of dentistry in the field of the medical science that deals with the problems related to the teeth children. This discipline is known as the pediatric dentistry or the pedodontics or the children dentistry. There are some particular dentistry techniques, by which the children dental problems are being cured. But along with them it is also important to create an environment, which is friendly for the treatment for the dental problems of the children. Parents are also very much responsible in creating the kid friendly dentistry set-up for the treatment of the dental problems of the children.

It is seemed that maximum of the children are frightened a lot in the name of the dentist and the dentistry. To them, dentistry is the painful way of treating the problems regarding the tooth. According to them, the dentists are here only to uproot the teeth. But the reality is completely different. So it is necessary to bring the children to the doctors for the first time before they have any kind of problems related to their teeth such as the toothache. Through this, you will be able to destroy any kind of imaginary fear from your child’s mind regarding the dentist and the dentistry. The best time to have a first visit to the children dentist is the first birthday of the child. But certainly, if it is not possible then you have to bring your child to the dentist within his or her age of 3 or 4 years.

It will be better to bring the child to the hygienic room of the dental clinic at his initial visit. It is always better to bring him for the first time to the kids dentist to have a cleaning job regarding his teeth. This is the simplest way of dentistry and this will allow the child to get rid of the fear in his mind regarding the dentistry. Through this let your child ask some questions to the dentist. This sort of pleasant initial visit ensures that the child will not deny attending the dental clinics in future if necessary. While treating, it will be a better option for the parents to stay outside of the treatment room. Some research results are confirming that the children are more focused to the treatment and the instruction from the doctor if they don’t have their parents by their side. The result also shows that the numerous spectators of the treatment may create some unnecessary fear to the minds of the kids.

We mentioned some common procedures of creating a kids friendly dentistry setup in short. If you are able to destroy the fear from the mind of the child the following dentistry specializations could be executed on the child if needed: periodontal dentistry or the cosmetic dentistry.

May 22, 2009
Submitted by culvercityDentist
About the Author
Clive Roberts children dentist Los Angeles offers kids dental services for patients based out of Los Angeles, California services such as Kids dentistry, Adult dentistry and Baby dentistry, teeth and gum cleaning. We serve patients in California including: Los Angeles, Culver city, Rancho park, Palms, Mar vista, Playa vista, Marina del rey, Playa del rey, West la, Inglewood, Santa Monica, Venice, West wood, West wood village, Beverly hills, Century city, West Hollywood and Baldwin hills.

A Comfortable Hospital Bed Makes A Stay In The Hospital Easier

One of the hallmarks of medical facilities and hospital equipments which cater to patients around the clock are the hospital beds in the rooms. For every different type of patient, there is a different sort of bed that is right for them. How will you know the best beds to have in your facility? What traits are inherent in quality products which might not be seen in those of poor workmanship? Overall, for general use, the hospital beds should be able to accommodate patients of the widest variety of heights and weights comfortably. If the beds are adjustable, the motors should be durable and able to withstand repeated uses, even with the heaviest of patient loads.

The purpose of hospital beds will be to give the patients a comfortable place to rest during their stay. These beds should be strong and sturdy enough to last through the use of many patients over several years. This means that you will need to seek models crafted from heavy metals which will withstand repeated use over the years. Ease of use of the bed itself should also be a factor. If there are side rails on the unit, they should be easy to put up and take down for the caregiver. The space between the rails should be wide enough for even the largest of patients. Most hospital beds are up to 48 inches wide, but for obese patients, bariatric beds are available which are 48 to 60 inches wide between the rails.

Bariatric beds are just one of the many types of hospital beds which cater to specific subsets of patients. While larger patients will need the bariatric beds, the smallest of patients will likely need pediatric or neo-natal beds. These tiny beds will prevent these special needs hospital visitors from feeling overwhelmed by having to use an adult beds. Too much excess stress can lead to a delay in healing. A bed sized for children will raise their comfort level, and thus help to speed their recovery. Additionally, these youth beds are also equipped with greater safety features such as rails that cannot be unlocked and pulled down by the patient. This removes an element of danger for even the most curious of juveniles.

Not only are hospital beds used in medical facilities, but many patients find that they will require one for home use as well. The requirements for these home use models are the same as those of professional grade. If there is a caregiver that will visit the home, the side rails should be easily removed for him, if not, the patient must be able to quickly pull them down in case of an emergency that would require him to leave the beds in a hurry. If the bed is adjustable, the motor should be strong enough not to grind with use. Grinding of an electric hospital bed's motor indicates that the unit is straining. This wears the mechanism down much quicker, and the price of buying that cheaply made motor will be making several replacements of the parts or of the motor itself. High quality motors might be slightly more, but they will save repair and replacement costs in the long run.

When looking for a hospital bed, whether it is for home or hospital use, should be sturdy and easy for both the caregiver and the patient to use, while comfortably giving the patient enough room for rest.

May 22, 2009
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Secrets of the Nurse Healers

Before Nurses can reveal their healing secrets, they must acknowledge 10 things:

1. that they are healers

We are attracted to nursing in our inner most being because we have the gift of healing. So why do most of us deny our innate healing abilities? The answer to this lies in exploring the belief system we were taught as children:

* the "I'm not good enough" syndrome
* comparing yourself with other people in your life
* not owning your personal power
* fear of exploring new ideas, new lifestyles
* allowing judgment of others to supercede compassion for another person's situation

In order to fully allow healing abilities to flourish, we need to:

* live in the present moment-one way to do this is by learning to breathe diaphramatically from breath to breath
* don't get overwelmed by the busyness of your life
* appreciate everything that is happening NOW, no matter if it seems "bad" or if you've labeled it a mistake
* that mistakes are a perception, not a reality
* believing in mistakes is a self-imposed prison
* by viewing mistakes as a stepping stone to enlightenment, you nurture your healing abilities and patients want you to be their nurse

2. that they were drawn to the nurse profession because of their healing abilities

Before choosing nursing as a life-long love, I sought out healing experiences (like soaking in mineral springs, laughing, exercise, lying on of hands), books about healing, healing people–-you know, the kind of people who make you feel wonderful in their presence! This interest in healing led to the eventual choice of going to nursing school. Many of us are not aware of our deep seeded healing abilities. We may think that the science of medicine drew us to the profession in the beginning. But if the art and science of medicine do not merge and inform our everyday practice, then we create two dimensional experiences in our daily patient/nurse interactions. The art and science of medicine is a balancing act, one worth the juggling precision. Blending this with the intention to be a healing presence for everyone we meet today will allow our innate healing abilities to flourish and prosper!

3. that nursing offers a gigantic opportunity to heal many, many times over the course of one 8 to 12 to 16 hour shift

"The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and so do that which best stirs your love.

Saint Teresa of Avila "Anterior Castle"

The healing experience need not be confined to our time spent doing nursing duties. We must restore ourselves by self-healing modalities.

* time spent alone
* daily walking to restore inner reservoirs of creativity
* learning to meditate, making it a daily discipline
* exercise, drinks lots of water, sleep well (the lost art)
* record your dreams
* seek balance in all things
* listen to those inner urgings that propel you in new directions

4. that nurses are angelic partners to bring about healing

Nurses, in order to be an angelic partner, we must first acknowledge that angels wait behind the scenes, waiting for the nod from us that YES! Please come and help me NOW!!

5. that angels can be called to help whenever the nurse remembers to call

Sometimes remembering is the biggest obstacle to getting the help we need.

6. that angels will respond

Ask and ye shall receive--every time.

7. that it's possible to recognize the angelic intervention, to acknowledge it and to join in the healing flow of the angelic help

The magic of the intervention requires a "Thank You" from us-- without exception.

8. that nurses are angels

The great healing potential of every nurse automatically places us all in the company of angels.

9. that patients want nurses to call on the angels to help

One day, our patients will thank the angels because we remembered.

10. and that patients know something that nurses have forgotten: nurses are angels of mercy

May 22, 2009
by: Kate Loving Shenk
About The Author
Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book:
Check Out Kate's Blog:

Medical Tests and Procedures How to Track Them

When you are under a doctor's care for an illness or are hospitalized, you will have medical tests and procedures performed to help in your diagnosis. Keep a list of the tests that have already been completed, tests that have been scheduled, and tests that need to be scheduled. You will want to gather information including the reason each test was ordered, the date of the test, the date the results are received, the meaning of the results, what treatment will be recommended, and the risks and benefits of the proposed treatment.

Ask your doctor if there are alternative tests that could be considered, and why the particular tests were chosen over others. It may be that there are tests that would be useful in your case, but they are not available at the lab or the hospital in your area. In that case, check with your doctor to see if he or she would recommend going to a different area to obtain those tests.

There may be further tests that are scheduled in order to help diagnose your disease or condition, so that a treatment plan can be developed for you. You will also want to know whom to contact to schedule the test; the location of the lab or hospital; how to prepare for the test; when the results will be ready; whom to contact to receive the test results; and when you will next see your doctor.

It is important to remember that some tests require special preparation. You may be required to be fasting for a certain period of time and/or to withhold water. You may even be required to have a fasting blood test, then another blood test one some hours later after a meal. Sometimes the directions for the test are not clear, and it is a good idea to check ahead of time with your doctor or the lab.

In some cases, after all tests and procedures have been performed, you may want to see if a clinical trial would be appropriate for you. Ask your doctor to research for a clinical trial for your condition. Even if it is only available out of your geographic area, you may be willing to relocate temporarily for treatment.

Always check before all procedures and tests to be sure of your insurance coverage and to see if you need pre-approval. When you call your insurance company, write down the date, whom you talked to, and what was said. Also make sure you write down the number you called and the direct line or extension number for the person you spoke with. You may have been transferred several times during the call and it can be very difficult to get back to the same person if you need to.

When you have a complete record of the results of tests, and which medical tests remain to be done, you will be able to discuss your treatment options with your doctor and feel more in control of your care.

May 22, 2009
About Author Sibyl Day :
SmallTown Duo, owned by Sibyl Day and Mary Benson, specializes in medical and legal books for consumers. They publish a popular book called "What Did the Doctor Say? A Guide for Leaving the Hospital." The book covers topics such as questions to ask about your diagnosis, medications, doctor visits, and avoiding common medical errors. For more information, visit their website.
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